In his homily from Sunday, March 12, Cardinal Collins speaks on how the role of the “person who doesn’t understand” is important. We have to struggle to go deeper. We are called to receive the living...
In his homily from Sunday, March 5, at St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica in Toronto, Cardinal Collins touches on how we look but rarely see, we hear but so rarely do we listen. It may be challenging, but we are...
On February 23, 2023, the Archdiocese of Toronto held its annual Employee Service Recognition Celebration honouring employees with long-term service with the Archdiocese. We honoured those employees who reached their 10, 20, 25, 30 and 40 years of service...
Fr. Eric Mah, Pastor of St. James Parish in Colgan and host of the popular Catholic Latte, speaks about the call to discipleship and the gift of unexpected graces. As key examples, Fr. Eric refers to two paintings: "The...
In Cardinal Collins’ homily on the first Sunday of Lent, he speaks of how we cannot live on bread alone, but rather we need to see the riches hidden in Christ, assess it, and act by our conduct.
Reflecting on the Lord's invitation to love our enemies (Mt:38-48), Fr. Eric Mah, Pastor of St. James Parish in Colgan and host of the popular Catholic Latte podcast speaks about the power of the prophetic gesture...
Whenever anyone does something wrong, we've got an excuse: "Nobody's perfect, what can I do?"
Check out Cardinal Collins' homily from Sunday February 19 from St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica:
Cardinal Feb 19 Homily
In his homily from Sunday, February 12, 2023, Cardinal Collins speaks about how we can choose the pathway to life, which exceeds the superficial. He tells us how we are all called to live with fervor and devotion. We are...
When we say yes in response to His inspirations it always has massive implications, not just for ourselves but in fact, for the entire world. Check out this reflection by Fr. Eric Mah, Pastor of St. James Parish in...
At first glance it might seem that the first disciples stopped what they were doing and started following Jesus because of some magic spell. But that wasn’t the reason. Why did they follow Jesus? Check out this reflection...
One of the most popular images at Christmas is the Manger. In fact, most years at Christmas, I like to preach about the Manger and what it proclaims.
In the Manger we see the poverty into which Christ was born...
At the 43rd annual Cardinal's Dinner that took place November 15, 2022, Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto spoke about living a faithful life in a secular society by going deeper in prayer and in the study of our...
Fr. Michael McGourty is the pastor of St. Peter’s Parish in Toronto.
At the beginning of this Easter Season, you and I celebrated Easter by renewing our baptismal promises. In the Ritual for Infant Baptism, there are about...
Fr. Michael McGourty is the pastor of St. Peter’s Parish in Toronto.
In the days following Jesus’ resurrection, the disciples of Jesus locked themselves away in self-isolation for fear that the Romans and Jews might arrest...
Fr. Michael McGourty is the pastor of St. Peter’s Parish in Toronto.
Have you ever noticed how people speak to one another when they fall in love? Once they have first gained the courage to tell the other...
Rebecca Spellacy, who became Catholic as an adult, is the Director of Worship for the Diocese of Austin, Texas, and the former Associate Director, Liturgy, for the Office of Formation for Discipleship at the Archdiocese of Toronto. Below, she shares...
The below Lenten reflection was written by Sr. Margaret Moran, a Daughter of St. Paul based in Toronto.
The Season of Lent is moving ahead and for some of us it may feel it is going too fast and for...
Fr. Alexander Laschuk is a priest of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Toronto and Judicial Vicar of the Archdiocese of Toronto. He is also Director of Eastern Christian Studies at the University of St Michael’s College in the...
Fr. Michael McGourty is the pastor of St. Peter’s Parish in Toronto, Ontario.
During these past few Sundays, leading up to the beginning of Lent 2022, the second readings at Mass has been taken from St. Paul&rsquo...
Fr. Michael McGourty is the pastor of St. Peter’s Parish in Toronto.
“We Have Seen His Star in the East.” This is the theme for this year's Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The Week...